Aquatic Center

Greenbelt Aquatic CenterThe Greenbelt Aquatic & Fitness Center is GMST’s home pool. GMST uses the outdoor pool during the summer competitive season and the indoor pool for fall and winter/spring training.



Address (click address to see map and GPS directions):

Greenbelt Aquatic & Fitness Center, 101 Center Way Road, Greenbelt, MD
DIRECTIONS: From the Beltway take exit 22A Baltimore-Washington Pkwy North. Take the first exit off Parkway towards Greenbelt (this is an immediate exit and will be the second ramp after you enter the Beltway exit ramp). At end of Ramp turn right onto Rte. 193 West. Go to first traffic light and turn right onto Southway Road and proceed to second stop sign. Enter parking lot between Municipal Building and Curves. Pool is straight ahead. Or From B-W Parkway South exit at the Greenbelt exit. At end of ramp (BP gas station across from the ramp) turn right onto Southway Road and follow the above directions.

Telephone: 301-397-2204

Find more information on the Aquatic and Fitness Center.